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By Anon - 26/12/2015 02:03 - United States

Today, I thought my mom and I could put aside our differences and open our Christmas presents. When she opened mine, she turned to my dad and said she didn't want the present, so I could give it to someone else. 'Tis the season. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 562
You deserved it 1 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How ungrateful. Return it and use the money you spent on her to buy something nice for yourself instead.

That's cold. This makes me appreciate the relationship I have with my parents more. I hope you and your mother end up being on better terms soon. Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day OP.


correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure there's a button for that.

That's cold. This makes me appreciate the relationship I have with my parents more. I hope you and your mother end up being on better terms soon. Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day OP.

Good relationships with parents are very underappreciated.

Give it to someone who will actually appreciate it.

How ungrateful. Return it and use the money you spent on her to buy something nice for yourself instead.

Well bah humbug to her, too. Some people don't understand that giving a gift is generous, and it really is the fact that they thought about you that counts.

You should try counselling with your mother, you don't want an absent relationship with a very influential person in your life.

You should try sucking a dick. Who gives a shit if you have a bad relationship with your mom if she's a total bitch.

At least you managed to state your disagreement in a calm and mature way.

They moderated his comment before mine could even post so now this is kind of pointless. Those guys are fast

If a person doesn't want to try as well, it's not on op to try twice as hard. You can't get help if they aren't willing. Better to just avoid then rather than let them stress you out and make your life hell.

Been there done that. You can try forever and hope mom comes around or you can get on with your life and hope mom comes around - either way nothing will change if the mom is not willing to make any effort.

ChopSuey444 20

Some people are just... poisonous. Mother or no, OP may very well lead a happier life without her. OP could spend his/her entire life fighting a pointless, heartbreaking battle if their mom is hateful enough to not even try to be pleasant. Influence can be good or bad and this FML leads me to believe OP is better without their mother's influence.

Wtf she could of pretended she liked it.. Tbh that's what I did with most of my presents

Your comment bothers me. Instead of pretending you like your gift, you should try appreciating the effort people put into choosing, buying, and wrapping the gift for you.

#29 That's exactly WHY you pretend to like it. Because you DO appreciate their effort and kind thoughts, even if it's something you don't like or probably won't use.

That's harsh, but hey, now you can return the gift and keep the money. If people aren't even going to pretend to be nice about the presents, forget getting them one next year.