The "No phones" rule

By bossproblems - 17/10/2016 18:47 - United States - Orlando

Today, I found out how my salesmen are "entertaining" themselves since they were told they can't have their phones on them. They're pulling straws to see who will pretend to trip and fall face-first onto the floor in front of customers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 826
You deserved it 1 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nobody said their phones were taken off of them, just that they couldn't carry them on their person. I expect the same of my staff - leave phones away from sales floor, you can play on your break away from any customers like a good adult employee.


species4872 19

Yup, Mobile phones, worst invention ever. Down vote that.

The phrase find something to do before I find something for you to do comes to mind

saffy66 34

You may need to rethink your hiring policy.

Here's an idea: don't treat them like children. Do make it clear that if they don't put in the effort, they can be fired. However, your policy makes it like they're little kids, when they're not.

yup, sounds about right u might try to interest them in the penny toss