The truth

By vmml97 - 17/08/2009 21:16 - Canada

Today, my boss called me into his office. He then fired me. Upset, I asked him, "Well, who's gonna replace me?" His answer was, "I don't know and don't care. Everyone who works here hates you. Now go away." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 911
You deserved it 25 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that's blunt. Did you do something to deserve it? Maybe you're too mean to people.

did you really expect him to answer you differently? YDI for thinking you're that valuable.


TurdMonkey 0

you must've refused to suck his dick for him to be that pissed off and from reading everyones comments, i'd say everyone here hates you too. Go away.

oogyboogy 6

ydi because he wouldnt just fire you for no reason

have none of you heard of at-will employment? in some states it is perfectly legal for an employer to fire you at any time for no reason at all. i got fired from one job because the president (who fired me) and vice-president (who hired me) were having a decades-long pissing contest. they gave me some bullshit about being too introverted when they knew damn well how introverted i was because they tested me before they hired me. OP - on the bright side, you can claim unemployment because you weren't fired due to misconduct. hell, half the time you can get unemployment even if you WERE fired for misconduct.

you must have been either a loser, or a dick to buy hatred like that. In that case fyl. and if not, fyl.

DeathByFalchion 0

Hopefully you asked why you were being fired, or your boss told you. Good luck finding another job, preferably one where your boss/coworkers aren't assholes.

KrystleLynn 0

Well...Don't be a douche then. Lesson learned, hopefully.

likeOMGwow 0
nottavailablee 0

This is the most obviously fake, uncreative FML I've ever seen.