The truth

By vmml97 - 17/08/2009 21:16 - Canada

Today, my boss called me into his office. He then fired me. Upset, I asked him, "Well, who's gonna replace me?" His answer was, "I don't know and don't care. Everyone who works here hates you. Now go away." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 911
You deserved it 25 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that's blunt. Did you do something to deserve it? Maybe you're too mean to people.

did you really expect him to answer you differently? YDI for thinking you're that valuable.


mindfreak885 0

welllll.....if everyone hated you im sure they have a reason....sooo i guess at your next job try not to get people to not like you. but on the other hand i think thats a pretty ****** up reason to fire someone just cuz ppl dont like em...i dont find that very professional. no matter where you work, theres always gonna be someone who doesnt like you im sure but it shouldnt effect your work status.

Next time keep your ridiculous religious and/or political views to yourself, you born again, home-made clothes, bee hive haired, Rush Lumbaugh-quoting freak, and try to fit in.

I call bullshit! Its too easy to win a wrongful termination lawsuit with this drivel. No cause, no termination.

That's what i've been thinking, no employer would fire someone that blantenly without just cause, unless they enjoy lawsuits.

float_on123 0

sounds like something michael scott would say to toby.

sounds like you were a total asshole now be fired

I can't really say "FYL" or "YDI" on this one without more info. I mean, if you were an asshole to everyone then YDI, but if you were a geniuinely nice guy and got your work done etc and people just hated you for getting stuff done then FYL There's just no way to really respond to this with what's been given.

kuyakhris 0

well you musta done sumthin to be labeled as a doosh bag

muffinsareyummy 1

well chances are you did something to deserve it. so ydi for being a jackass and/or an asshole and/or an elitist prick, and/or egotistical, ect.