These are lovely
By kittybad - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States
By kittybad - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States
maybe you should offer to make burgers on the grill from now on.... guys can cook too. stop complaining and step up
Thank you! My thoughts exactly. I thought for sure more people would have said this. My husband grills the burgers every time!
Perhaps cat food just tastes good in general, every time I see a cat food commercial they talk about how delicious it is, is it someone's Job to taste test pet food?
Hilariously / disgustingly, yes. That is a real job.
Yes it is, and if they paid me enough I would do it! I bet it beats working at Walmart...
The cat food I ate on a bet tasted better than McDonalds.
Op... the bitch made you eat cat food. You can tell her whatever the hell you want!!!!
You're obviously not married. "The bitch" is still op's wife! Although it's always better to be honest, sometimes spouses would rather bite their tongue than to hurt their partner's feelings or start an argument. "Happy wife, happy life!" ;)
It's very nice of you not to tell her but I personally think you should or else who knows what she will cook up next week?!
You should have. People aren't meant to eat that stuff and you could have gotten sick. She deserves the harsh truth after putting you in danger.
I would've
Good guy husband. You might have needed to arrange funeral plans if you said it.
How the hell can she screw up burgers? Meat. Salt. Pepper. Fire. It isn't rocket surgery.