These are lovely

By kittybad - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my wife made me moist cat food burgers as a prank. I didn't have the heart to tell her that they tasted better than the ones she usually makes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 166
You deserved it 4 496

Top comments

friedpwnadge 25

Good guy husband. You might have needed to arrange funeral plans if you said it.

How the hell can she screw up burgers? Meat. Salt. Pepper. Fire. It isn't rocket surgery.


You need to... Can't turn into a pussy or keep that up for the rest of your life OP...

BellaBelle_fml 23

#45, that is very sound advice. If there's anything I've learned in the short 9 months that I have been married, it's what battles to fight. Some things are just not worth arguing over. I hate to bicker over petty things that really don't matter in the long run and it will just breed nick picking, it can cause one or the other to not feel comfortable mentioning anything wether serious or not because you know that it will only lead into an argument, and it can even cause some resentment. Poor cooking will not ruin a relationship. If it does, then there are underlying problems that need to be addressed.

That's very sweet of you, good on you though!

onorexveritas 23

haha good one honey!.... literally

perdix 29

Why would you be so polite? Dont you know the kind of shit they throw into pet food includes the parts of animals not fit for human consumption, and maybe even a little actual shit? "Moist cat food, you say? Now I can finally associate good flavor with pussy!"

Have you ever read what all kind of sausages and ready meals are made of? They put all kind of parts of the animal in cheap human food too.

My step-dad's an electrician who wires factories and he said the cleanest factory by far was a dog food one.

It's not just about it being "all kinds of parts," it's about the food not being made for humans, therefore it is likely not fit for human consumption, as perdix stated. Just like giving cats or dogs human food can make them very sick, people can get very sick from animal food. We have different digestive tracts, and abilities to break down different types of food, proteins, etc. That was super irresponsible and gross of OP's wife.

Probably just horsemeat with beef flavoring. They say horse has a good flavor, but for some reason Americans have an issue eating pretty animals.

alkolaali 7

Stick to the cat food and save your life.

You sir. Are a good husband. But you being like abc (Amy's bling company) you need to tell her she making bad burgers lol

You're just being a good husband-even after she pranked you!

born_hustla 26

Meee-yooowww!! There is a way to tell her.. And you must!

I don't know why people are equating keeping your mouth shut after your wife was super disrespectful with being a good husband. She fed you food that is quite possibly not fit to be eaten by humans. Cats and humans digest food differently. People shouldn't eat animal food for the same reason you don't feed animals people food. It can make them very, very sick. If a man did this to his wife, everyone would be screaming about him being a disrespectful tool.

If the fml had just been about the prank, I would imagine the responses would be different. However the additional information makes it kinda sad.

I'm pretty sure that most people do feed animals table scraps every now and then, especially dogs and cats who can eat things like chicken or fish just fine. (though it might be better raw for them)

Yeah, that's a fact. Even it if was in good taste (no pun intended). If the rolls were switched, people would be calling this guy a douche.

Yeah, I get the chicken or fish or whatever, but when I hear "people food," I consider that food that has been produced, combined with other ingredients, and packaged for human consumption.