These are lovely
By kittybad - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States
By kittybad - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States
Tasty cat food is tasty.
I heard that cat food is rather tasty. No wonder my cat sits on my face until I give him his kitty kibbles in the morning! It makes you wonder what they put in it...
I got 9 lives Cats eyes Now I'm in the backyard runnin' wild
Offer to take up a cooking class together. Or, come clean with her, and tell her that some areas need improvement.
This was the greatest FML I've read yet. Some of them are really depressing but this one is just awesome.
Good guy husband. You might have needed to arrange funeral plans if you said it.
How the hell can she screw up burgers? Meat. Salt. Pepper. Fire. It isn't rocket surgery.