By crazyman. - 12/05/2012 05:27 - United States - Keller

Today, my fiancé got drunk at our wedding reception and announced to his and my family what we do in bed. And it was pretty detailed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 730
You deserved it 4 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazymedic06 2

Isn't the reception after the wedding?

Before anyone looks at 2's comment like he's an idiot, he has a point. The FML says "fiancé", and then goes on to say "at our wedding reception."He wouldn't be her fiancé anymore if they just got married.


cooperd52 6
KayDubb 6

Wouldn't he be your husband?

Oh, let me guess, you're one of those idiots who's mental state is still living in the 50's that believes sex before marriage is a sin and a baaaaaad thing, right? Why are you doing in the intimacy section in the first place?

I hope you're joking. Maybe you wouldn't want to have sex before you marry, but why would you care if other people who you don't even know do?

c8750 2

Not to mention her name is xxxSANAxxx, oh yeah & she's 15

RedPillSucks 31

Your comment and pic go well together

perdix 29

If his speech lasted as long as he does in bed, it was probably quick and painless ;)

Takainthemachine 0

Don't you mean your husband??

If it was at your wedding reception he would now be your husband.........but shameeeeee

33- New account? Really?Just give it up...

day624 14

Hows he still your fiancee if it was your wedding reception?

I like it when comments and pictures go together! But only if they're nice :)