By crazyman. - 12/05/2012 05:27 - United States - Keller

Today, my fiancé got drunk at our wedding reception and announced to his and my family what we do in bed. And it was pretty detailed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 730
You deserved it 4 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazymedic06 2

Isn't the reception after the wedding?

Before anyone looks at 2's comment like he's an idiot, he has a point. The FML says "fiancé", and then goes on to say "at our wedding reception."He wouldn't be her fiancé anymore if they just got married.


That's great! Now everyone understands exactly why your husband wanted to marry you so badly, you little sex mink!

Wouldn't it be your husband not your fiancé?

Don't you mean your husband since you guys are married now

Don't you mean "husband"? Have fun with that...

I hope there were no conservative people at the wedding or that would be even worse. Didn't you at least try to shut him up?

Why would you let them even get so drunk? You both should be in control off each other!

Wouldnt it be your husband because the reception is after the weddig

geod69 8

Never serve alcohol to a drunk that likes to talk lol

marisa1436 5

Well i bet they all have some new ideas now ;) lmfao