By SoggyPancakes - 11/03/2009 19:49 - United States

Today, I decided to call my wife while she was having a private lunch with my parents. I began to tell her all the nasty things I was going to do to her in bed. Halfway through my fantasy, she giggled and told me that she was going to take me off speakerphone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 816
You deserved it 71 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why the hell would she leave it on? infront of your parents, no less

#1: That's the point... She let his parents listen in


WHAT is wrong with your parents that they didn't shout at your girlfriend not tobe such a tool?

_Elizabeth_ 0

Hmm. Can't you tell when you're on speaker? Maybe not everyone..anyway, HAHAHAHA. I agree with #30. And maybe refrain from saying stuff when you know she's with your parents?

holynemesis1208 3

your father must have been so proud.

cmoney09 0

Haha, that sucks man, but you gotta laugh! but maybe next time you should just save that sortof dirty talk for a text message, or actually the bed! lol! I feel ya though.

I use to call my ex-fiance all the time and talk very very dirty to him while he was out in public. I LOVED thinking of him all hard with a bunch of people around him :P

Sessee 4

1. Why would you call her in the middle of lunch with your parents? 2. Why would you call her to "tell her all the nasty things you were going to do to her in bed" in the middle of lunch with your parents?