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By hornyloser - 02/05/2011 18:46 - United States

Today, I had some hot phone sex with my long-distance girlfriend. Half-way through, my mom stormed in, and told me I was disgusting and sick for doing it in the same room as my brother. I forgot about the baby monitor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 895
You deserved it 70 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nuhuh 1

Definitely. Because wearing condoms during phone sex prevents hearing aids.


comepoopwithme 0

hahahaha... poor baby... hello nightmares!

adrianblackett 0
meggieh815 0

no 72, you iz a pedophile.

the lonely islands new single: I just had phone sex!

meggieh815 0

my comment what moderated. what the heck? I didnt cuss in it. ?

Cuss all you like, but please don't call people that, it's not very nice. :-)

Well FYL... At least it wasn't physical sex....?

strizz18 0
nuhuh 1

Definitely. Because wearing condoms during phone sex prevents hearing aids.

meggieh815 0

I see what you did there. :) hahaha

eltapatio16 5

you're too little to talk about sex. Now run along before I tell your mum.

futtbuck101 1

ah... gross... how do you forget someone is in a room with you...?

larry12693 1

just remember once u go black u go deaf...

magg13 0

lmao ueah i did that yesterday xD

raidersallday696 0

overweighted person. it's a nice way to call fat people

Way to go 62 and 63. It would be terible to have a little fun.

FunnyGuy5051 7
chrisvilla 0
DaleksAreEpic 0

Orgasmic Philanges or Oediple Perversion

cookies61889 15

You probably meant scarred, but this works too.

alexd10293 0

Yeah, it is your bad. Maybe you should check your spelling before posting a comment next time douchebag.

prince122 0

wow Alex that's some stupid trolling your doing.

well you know what they say about listening to Mozart A's a baby but what happens if you listen to phone sex???

all your grades go down to about a 69%

DarthVader007 0

That's effed up . Poor Kidd.

Ariannalang 0

You totally deserve it...:P

WallyTheWombat 0

I wanna know why she waited till he was half way done.

YDI. that's disgusting....hopefully he won't repeat something you said as his first word... 0.o

DeadxManxWalking 27

like "****" or "damn"? lol

the baby's first words "I think we need to talk about our feelings"

68, lol nice reference to the baby from "meet the fokers" :P

SmallTownCutie 0

Being a person who has to share a room with a young child (2), I understand. My mom spazzes out whenever I turn it off (the baby monitor), and you can do things in there while the kid is sleeping that won't effect them. I'm 16 btw, which could be around the same age as the OP, and a similar situation.

HugeRedRash 0

naw phone sex ain't disgusting it's great.

A7X_LoVeee 10

Why do you have a baby monitor in YOUR room? If you weren't in your room then you totally deserved it.

then his girlfriend would be 8 years old. you're not reffering to pedobear anymore, more to incestobear

Predental 5

why the **** are they sharing a room?

PrincessesCrown 17

Because 112 the more space in a house the more it cost so if you buy a smaller home, and share a room it will save money. As for op FYL because your mom heard you having phone sex But YDI for doing it right by the baby monitor.

he shares his room with his little brother

if you're old enough to be having phone sex why are you sharing a room with a kid young enough to need a baby monitor?

lol I had phone sex with my girlfriend since I was 7

jennifer93 0

my mom is 37 and has a 13 year old brother...some parents just don't wanna stop :p

I'm 26 and have a 13 year old sister but that doesn't mean we'd have to share a room

59, the baby would probably annoy the shit out of OP. Besides, the baby should be around the parents not the sibling.

90- not neccassarily. Not every family functions in the same way. Also, people seem to be forgetting that some people have sex at younger ages. OP could be as young as 15. Not saying he is, but he could be.

My brother, sister, and I shared a room for years when we were younger. Then, when we had more space, my sister and i sharef the room until I was 16 and she was 20. My brother then moved out for college and i took his room, finally separating us. Just because your family doesnt do it, doesnt mean no one does it

jennifer93 0

yeah your parents told you the monitor was for the baby...but we all know they just want to spy on you

TheNinjaBuffalo 0

I find plant stupidity hilarious.

inanimate object stupidity wins. especially when you run into something see how often it will get called a stupid ******

WallyTheWombat 0

I need to find a compilation video of people stubbing their toe. Fun stuff...

Protist stupidity is the best. Because you have to be stupid and go jump in a burning hot spring with a microscope just to see the Potist.

ImTotallyAsian 0

12 your picture is Katie BabeyyFayce