By hardwarekit - 31/10/2014 14:27 - United States - Fairport

Today, a customer bought several drill bits. When I asked him, "Do you want a bag for your bits?" he just stared at me uncomfortably, apparently thinking I was trying to come onto him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 602
You deserved it 2 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao oh unintended puns. you should've continued on and said "I was just offering because I didn't want you to have to hold your bits in your hands," just to really seal the deal

So I guess he doesn't want you to cum onto him either.


ostfaiz 18

hahaa..awkward moment when you say something and the concept toss up :)

Some places, like England, say "bits" when talking about their nether regions. A bag for your bits. The customer thought OP was referring to his penis. Sorry, I responded under the wrong comment.

I'd offer another place he can store them if he was being rude!

Stop cuming on people. It makes them very uncomfortable.

Attacksloth 33

Would have been funny if when he goes to pay with a card you're like "babe, just stick it in the hole."

At times it's just better just to put them in a bag and they will say if they need one or not

next time... just say "need a bag" simple and neutral. sheesh