By apparentlytoougly - 27/03/2013 07:29 - United States - Garden Grove

Today, a customer came up to me and asked if I knew where the make-up aisle was. I pointed him in the right direction but he just gasped and said, "Oh so you DO know where it is!" and walked away, roaring with laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 572
You deserved it 3 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

trellz17 19

I guess he picks on others to make himself feel better. **** him

Too bad there isnt an isle for common decency.


Well, at least you have make-up, not paint.

Sorry OP, but he owned you there....but still that was mean!

A girl who doesn't wear makeup in public? I have respect for you

im sorry but this made me laugh way too much. Fyl

How rude! He is an asshole with no manners.

You should have said 'well aren't you the one asking where the make up is?' Anyways why was he asking?

gravekill3r 1

That guy needs to be b**** slapped in the face

that's when you ask him if he want's to know where the condom/lube section is as he's clearly never used it before.

doglover100 28

Why is it society puts so much emphasis on wearing makeup? You don't have to if you don't want to.