By iGagged - 01/06/2015 12:22 - United Arab Emirates - Dubai

Today, a customer complained that his earphones stopped properly functioning even though he bought them less than a month ago. After checking them, I realised that there was so much earwax caked into them that it affected the sound quality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 943
You deserved it 2 209

iGagged tells us more.

Hi everyone, OP here ! Made an account just to follow up. 1) No, sadly he didn't suspect a thing and didn't bother taking a close look at his earphones. 2) It was awkward indeed. Very, very awkward. He was nice though, he apologised and immediately left. Hopefully he'll check his earphones next time. And thank you for commenting on my username haha !

Top comments

AviKerensky 17

Despite the fact that Q-tips are not recommended for cleaning ears, you might suggest it to him, anyway.

Have fun explaining that one to him


time to do a careful operation on them

actually to properly clean your ears, you should use debrox. it's drops you put into your ear and sit with your head to the side for 5 minutes then when you sit up right it allows your ear wax to drain out. using q-tips, Bobby pins etc just impacts the wax into your canal.

some people produce more ear wax than others and that makes them dirty? I wonder how people can go through life so naive

And that's the reason I don't let people use my headphones

Sportey 9

My Mom gets panic attacks all the time she's retired but they just happen naturally there she has like a lucid panic attacks.

SaniK 17

Throw them away and tell the customer they spontaneously combusted, probably faulty wire, probably has to buy another pair...

#53 producing a lot of ear wax doesn't make him dirty. Leaving the wax there and not cleaning them is what makes him dirty