By are these people even HUMAN? - 01/08/2013 15:18 - United States - Bristol

Today, a customer pulled a knife on me after I informed him that we'd run out of avocados to put on his pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 065
You deserved it 3 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnluckyGenius 21

He was just offering to cut up some fresh pineapple for his pizza.

This FML needs more closure... What happened after he pulled out the knife OP?


"Cocaine is a hell of a drug." - Rick James

Avocado is not a drug. I used to suck d*** for coke. And that's an addiction, man. Did you ever suck some dick for Avocado? Boo this man.

next time have a knife from the kitchen handy and go all crocodile Dundee on him.

Maybe the pizza slices were to big so he needed to cut them up?

O.O Well next time you know. Don't mess with a man's avacados.

Avocados are tasty! It's perfectly understandable. But seriously, that is a tad extreme. :/

sbarua219 17

Avacados on pizza, huh? Well, it sounds a bit odd, but I'm the type of person who prefers to try things before judging them.

Well of course he had a knife. Who the hell puts avocados on a pizza???