By are these people even HUMAN? - 01/08/2013 15:18 - United States - Bristol

Today, a customer pulled a knife on me after I informed him that we'd run out of avocados to put on his pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 065
You deserved it 3 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnluckyGenius 21

He was just offering to cut up some fresh pineapple for his pizza.

This FML needs more closure... What happened after he pulled out the knife OP?


jw90 18

Did you ninja kick him in the face?

Cor1nn4 10

Were they Mexican? We don't play when it comes to our avocados

whatth3h3ck 13

Someone REALLY liked avocados!!! Like seriously loved them!!

AviProspering 5

He was gonna help cut up the pizza!

Damn, he's serious about his avocados.

reymon8823 24

Some people just can't handle life at all.

...Maybe it's just because where I live we never run out of cheap avocados; but holy wow. Popcorn time until follow up is posted.

HeadlessSparrow 20

Did you ask him to borrow the knife?