By beybmoo - 25/10/2017 08:48 - Singapore - Singapore
beybmoo tells us more.
Wow this is my first FML that got published! Thanks for giving it a chance! I saw a few of you said I might have jumped the gun on this one. I might have but not before considering that there aren't any other position to be promoted to. It's a tiny company of 5. And there weren't anymore room or budget or busy enough for an additional staff. I had 2 managers & I didn't get along with 1 of them, and the other's (which I got along & like) often overseas. So I can guess this descision to hire a replacement is more with the manager who I didn't get along with. I had prior bad experience with a former employer who always threatened and actually went as far as advertising for a replacement when any staff's performance slipped so I'm quite sensitive about these stuff. On the upside, I didn't have to serve the 1 month notice and I actually got paid almost 2 weeks extra on top of a full month's salary. And I found another job pretty fast so!
Top comments
May be they won't get an applicant better than you! :-)
Great birthday present, that.
Why would you just turn in your resignation without talking to anyone? Maybe they're going to promote or transfer you as soon as they have a replacement hired. If they let you go, you'll at least get unemployment benefits. If you quit, you get nothing.
You totally jumped the gun on this. Now you're out of a paycheck. I don't know how it works in Singapore, do they have unemployment benefits?
Why would you resign before getting an offer letter
Wow this is my first FML that got published! Thanks for giving it a chance! I saw a few of you said I might have jumped the gun on this one. I might have but not before considering that there aren't any other position to be promoted to. It's a tiny company of 5. And there weren't anymore room or budget or busy enough for an additional staff. I had 2 managers & I didn't get along with 1 of them, and the other's (which I got along & like) often overseas. So I can guess this descision to hire a replacement is more with the manager who I didn't get along with. I had prior bad experience with a former employer who always threatened and actually went as far as advertising for a replacement when any staff's performance slipped so I'm quite sensitive about these stuff. On the upside, I didn't have to serve the 1 month notice and I actually got paid almost 2 weeks extra on top of a full month's salary. And I found another job pretty fast so!

Why would you just turn in your resignation without talking to anyone? Maybe they're going to promote or transfer you as soon as they have a replacement hired. If they let you go, you'll at least get unemployment benefits. If you quit, you get nothing.
If you have at least three years of experience I know of a job opening!