By Bruised - 07/03/2010 06:09 - Canada

Today, a drunk truck driver taught me a very valuable lesson: Never tie your shoelaces in the middle of a parking lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 616
You deserved it 11 221

Perpexel tells us more.

Perpexel 4

Holy crap! you guys came up with crazy ideas. The truck driver drove VERY close to me to scare me and then he honked his horn which made me jump and smack into the side of the truck. i was NOT raped or hit by the truck. hope that clears up some things

Top comments

DahliaNoir 0

'Never tie your shoelaces in the middle of a parking lot' You don't say...


so did u get hit? Or did he showt at u or summat lol

AlterEggo 0

Feeling generous this morning. FYL. Though, depending where you were in the lot, it could have been a YDI.

Giorgio272 2

damn bitch. ain't yo momma told you never tie no shoelace in no carpark. or black people will rob you.... I mean trucks will hit you.

#31 because u already clicked "i agree, your life sucks". OP ur a tool.... what u naming the baby?

So tie your shoelaces is code for buttsex in the carpark and the truckie wanted to join in right?