By AwkwardHaole808 - 22/05/2013 22:52 - United States - Hilo
AwkwardHaole808 tells us more.
My friend isn't suffering from depression. She told me she did this stunt because she couldn't get the package that she wanted and that this would "show her parents". Also, yes this doesn't affect me nearly as much as it does her or her loved ones. However, I am her friend and don't want to lose a good friend over something so small.
Top comments
Well, at least we all know her life is only worth $500.
Reason #1082 "Why I don't want kids"
I think her parent should have spent less time being their daughters friend and getting her everything she wants and more time actually being her parent and learning how to say no more offer while she was still young. It's gonna be more difficult now that she has a mindset that mommy and daddy will just give her what she wants if she throws a big enough temper tantrum.
What a shallow ********
I wonder what she--not op, but the senior--will do when someone she knows commits suicide.... It will be a dark day when that happens. I wonder if she will remember pulling this stunt to get a better picture package and feel bad about it.
Pulling a stunt like that, imho, means that her parents have spoiled her beyond belief and, as others have said, she believes if she throws a big enough temper tantrum that she'll get what she wants. Sorry sweetie, that doesn't happen in the world outside living off of parental money. She needs to get her priorities straight. I do hope, however, that she's okay?
If she is not suicidal, then the best thing for her is to tell her to do it. It is calling her bluff, and makes her think twice.
Why is this a FYL?? Ditch your spoiled bratt friend, it's your friend parents who should be writing this FML.
Am I the only one to think that maybe , just maybe its not JUST about the pictures??
Since it was a stunt, it's pretty obvious that she's spoiled. She's gonna get a hard smack in the face from reality when she graduates and is out on her own. I hope you told her what she did was extremely selfish and stupid. Because it obviously affected more than just her parents.
I guess you could say that that had a killer price tag. No? i didn't think so... I'll show myself to the dog house.