By Anonymous - 28/06/2013 19:41 - United States - Chicago Ridge

Today, a girl from my college, who's been following me around for months, finally asked me out. Not being interested, I politely declined. Now she's convinced everyone that we hooked up and that I have an incredibly small penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 841
You deserved it 7 465

Same thing different taste


kidsgotastinky 11
Axel5238 29

I feel bad for the OP had a girl whom I was friends with start stalking me in college it was really uncomfortable. She didn't take the hint that we weren't gonna date. She finally did get it, but it wasn't easy. She didn't see personality wise and interest wise we were not gonna get along. This happens to guys as well and people think it isn't just as uncomfortable especially if they start rumors. Some rumors don't stick around, but sometimes they do and it can be pretty damaging to someone's personal life. Thankfully, the rumor for the OP wasn't that bad. Some women will make up some absolutely crazy stories out of spite.

This happened to my boyfriend before we started dating. There is no good way to make it go away, but not feeding the for will make it go away faster, and make people think you're a gentleman who took the high road.

Look out everyone, we have another Taylor Swift on our hands...

thisgirl97 7

Should've just went on a pity date, to get it out of her system.

KylarStern19 7

That's why u **** a girl and have her spreading the truth

You're in college.. You probably do have a small penis.. It happens

an3ph 20

Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned.

"Make the joke before you become the joke." -NobodyEpic

DoughtyPine 1

I envy you so much, let me tell you why, I got a big dick. And I've always wanted this to happen (I have an amazing girlfriend now though) just so I could whip it out in front of a bunch of people and yell in a gravelly, raspy voice "TINY NEEDS AIR!!"