By cameltoeyourface - 26/07/2010 00:42 - United States

By cameltoeyourface - 26/07/2010 00:42 - United States
By Amy - 10/01/2013 05:09 - United States
By Nikki - 08/06/2019 22:00
By Anonymous - 30/05/2024 12:00 - Germany - Heidenau
By Anonymous - 26/01/2015 23:24 - Sweden - Huddinge
By MomIsJelly - 22/02/2022 22:00 - United States - Staten Island
By asdfghjkl_12 - 25/02/2009 04:33 - United States
By awkword - 31/12/2013 17:47 - United States - Mckeesport
By backfat - 18/05/2018 01:44
By sausagefingers - 22/10/2012 05:29 - United States - Nixa
By Rachel - 12/02/2016 06:26 - United States - Burton
creeeperrrr dot com! threadddjack kablammo!
more like gross
Why does your boyfriend talk about your pussy with your father? Kinda creepy, ins't it?
that's not really #11
wow, so your fine with it being your ass but not your vaginal crease?
As a guy I know they make yoga pants that won't give you camel toe. And it was a pretty funny FML until your BF's dad came into the picture hahahaha
#11 doesnt have too much make-up on. shes actually very pretty. :)
I actualy think 37 it very hot, maybe that's because I'm only 15 an are too young for this site :(
Manly guys like me love camel toe on girls. i even like FPUF camel toe.
#35 do you live with the omish? that's barely any make up at all, and if it was who cares, you don't even know her. does how much make up that stranger wears really affect your life? seriously people need to stop being negative about other peoples pictures, who cares.
yoga pants are the way to go!! my girlfriend has many pairs and it's great.
thanks(: and a lot of people tan. you can't see the other make up so how you can you tell? if you dislike that you would hate to see the amount of glitter i wear. seriously, I don't see how it affects your life. I was just trying to point out that you can tell what she's wearing. and yoga pants are ugly no matter what in my opinion.
his is embarrasing. but what's a semi :) hehe I'm pretty sure I know just making sure!
1. For everyone talking about the make up; Is it really relevant? And I don't think they mean too much makeup, I think they mean she looks fake (fake tan, fake eyelashes). 2. #30 I agree! What parent goes into detail about how good your first time was? Especially when they are as uptight as they are about sex. 3. #56 What effect does a stranger's opinion of another stranger's makeup have on your daily life? Stop being so negative about other people's comments.
#72 what affect does my negativity of a strangers comment on another strangers make up have on you? stop beingnso negative about other peoples comments.
#75 thanks for your grammar correction hah, but arn't you being a little hypocritical when you're doing the same thing as me. I was just stating how irrelevent a persons picture is to the FML.
your IQ must not be very stable seeing as it dropped just by the incorrect spelling of one word.
it's ironic though cause you are technically doing the same thing by talking about my hypocracy. and although my comment might have been hypocritical it did stop the other make-up commenters. oh and it could have stopped at my one comment to #35 and this hypocracy could have ended but you felt the need to reply to my comment.
# 88 why do you feel the need to insult me, unless you can't think of better response? This is just as dumb as argueing about the picture. I was being a hypocrite about it and you're being a hypocrite about it as well. get over it.
lmao 89
Have sex with his dad!! That'll show him.
sneaky sneaky detective you are. well done
So you have some kind of good relationship with your future father in law. Good for you though.
88 - the dude you are pointlessly fighting with was just trying to stop people from making fun of other people's pictures. there was absolutely no need to attack him over a good (but futile, considering people on here will always be assholes and make fun of others out of insecurity) deed. all it did was start a fight, making you a troll....attack the people who deserve it...
#20 I'm pretty sure it's julianne hough
Do you mean FPUF or FUPA? EDIT: This to the guy that said he likes FPUF camel toes, lol. It confused me, and then FML seems to have put it in the wrong place.
pics or it didnt happen
how is he infatuated with an inanimate object???
what the hell is FPUF or FUPA anyway?????
and honestly I thot guys thought that cameltoes were disgusting. just like girls think it's nasty when guys where those jeans that crunch there junk up into nasty lumpy balls
I don't know what "FPUF" is, but FUPA is "Fat Upper Pubic/Pussy Area"
hey if he likes it that's all that matters, but um wear them in private from now on for the rest of us?
I would really like to meet the guy who invented the term "Camel Toe"--really, really funny description. I always laugh. But really, it is VERY SEXY to see. I LIKE PUSSY!
if u think the term camel toe is funny than you'll find the phrase moose knuckle to be hilarious as well :D and yes, a moose knuckle is essentially the same thing as a camel toe
Its a type of truck. Also rim jobs are when you get new rims for your vehicle.
gonna do some modelling for his dad now?
omish = Amish. Also, I believe it's spelled 'hypocrisy', noy 'hypocricy'. Read up on how to spell a word before you go and correct the other dumbasses out there, mmkay? For all other questions, please refer to google.
Typo! You got my point :P
Mrs. Cameltois
At least it's not mooseknuckle?
LOL. Amen to that.
what's a moose knuckle, please tell me before I google it...
Watch West Side Story for a visual.
Google it. :] You'll be glad you did.
oh that kinda sucks
hot .
Don't pull your pants up so high woman.