By Huge A Hole - 01/02/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, a girl I've had a huge crush on for a long time told another friend of ours to get a life. I, in my infinite genius responded that her mom needed to get a life. She ran out of the room bawling. I got slapped in the face and informed that her mom had died not long ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 684
You deserved it 39 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're a good man for sticking up for your friend. If she can throw out shit, then she needs to be able to take shit back. Sounds like she wouldn't turn out to be that great of a girlfriend anyway. move on, you can do better.

Uhhh, if you have such a huge crush on her why the hell don't you know her mom died? You don't know anything about her do you?


the best insult you could think of was the old "your mom?"

Exposi 1

GIRL: "You need to get a life". YOU: (being SO smart and SO cool and I love you) "Your MOM needs to get a life!" Here's how it should have gone from here: GIRL: "What? Did you say something, pathetic loser who's obsessed with me, but has no chance because he's fat and ugly and lives with his mother? Sorry, I couldn't hear you." YOU: "I said your mom needs to get a life..." GIRL: [pulls out gun] "I'm going to do the world a favor and end your retarded existence, you worthless tiny little man". Can you guess what happens next, moron?

Haha i hate your mom jokes. ughhh. But at least me and my best friend sarah are cuteee(:

He's got a point, if she's dead, she could do with a life.

rawr_etf 0

you couldn't have known about her mom unless someone told you, but YDI for actually being immature enough to use a 'your mom' joke past age 6.

123whyme 0

it's not your fault, she shouldn't have insulted you first. I guess it's out of habit when you say 'your mom' sentences LOL!