By malcolmXXX - 14/10/2015 02:01 - United States - Savannah

Today, a girl I've liked for the longest time kept asking me to reveal my "deepest secret" in exchange for hers. Thinking this was flirting, I told her my secret was that I liked her. Her secret was that she was a "lesbian and just had to tell somebody." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 411
You deserved it 2 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's bad. well at least she felt comfortable telling you its not easy to get it off your chest. hope you can be a great support system for her.

That sucks OP. But on the bright side you're the only person she trusts enough to tell her biggest secret. That's got to be worth something. You know she really cares about you if she shares something like that. At least at the end of the day she didn't have to give you the "awww you're just my friend!" speech because I'm sure that would've hurt your feelings more. She can't help how she feels, just be there for her.


She trusts you enough to tell you this...that accounts for something. So sick of the "friendzoned" victim complex. Instead of sulking you could be by her side with all the coming out process, which I guarantee is harder and in some instances brings more shame than your confession did

im_a_black_guy 10

Dude, that's legit ****** up. Sucks for you

That was pretty smooth, to bad she's not interested :/

Its called crushed by the crush. Happened to me once before.

I'm so sorry to hear that, OP!!! At least you guys can be good friends and check out chicks together!!!!

qwertycode 19

everybody is saying 'at least she's your friend!' but doesn't that make things worse? it just means she's friendzoning him, which is usually worse than finding out they're attracted to a different gender, since the latter is something they can't help

You can't help who you are attracted to in either situation. Just because a person is attracted to people of your gender doesn't mean they can/will be attracted to YOU.

That's unfortunate...I guess you two will just have to stay friends...unless she is trolling you

bobsanction 18

Could be worse. At least it's just your genitals she doesn't like and not your personality.

spacefish966 18

play out off can I watch?