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By Anonymous - 21/10/2018 16:00 - United States - Trenton

Today, I told my girlfriend I wanted to tell her something important. Coincidentally, she did too. She wanted to tell me that she thinks she's actually gay. I wanted to tell her I love her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 294
You deserved it 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Save face and tell her that it’s very important for her to vote in the midterm elections. It’s even more important now that she’s suddenly in the LGBTQ community.

I did this to someone. I was in a relationship because I was begged, and I went with it. I was very much a lesbian but I didn’t know how to really express that. He was creepy and kept trying to include himself. I didn’t like it, she didn’t like it, it was a mess. Just let her go, you’ll be happier.


whiskey'swino 15

You can still love her, although being in love probably won't work. Women tend to be more gender fluid than men. she is obviously trying to find where she fits and how she feels. You can still love her as a friend and support her.

Veroswen 3

I dont think I've ever met someone emotionally stable enough for what you suggesting, Myself included.

Wadlaen 23

I'd go for alternative #1 if I was you! If you really love her, it would be worth the risk!😉

Gender fluid would refer to her gender identity. Not to her sexuality. That being said - while a supporting friend is good, a supporting friend who's (understandably) hurt and maybe still somehow hoping they'll get back together is probably unhealthy for both in this situation. I'm sorry OP, this must be painful, but at least she was honest with you instead of letting you stick around until she made up her mind.

You can change your gender to a female, and then she will love you back! Ok, all joking aside, I'm sorry about your situation. The best thing you can do is move on. It'll be difficult but worth it. That way you can find someone who is meant for you.

Wadlaen 23

I'd go for alternative #1 if I was you! If you really love her, it would be worth the risk!😜

Save face and tell her that it’s very important for her to vote in the midterm elections. It’s even more important now that she’s suddenly in the LGBTQ community.

I did this to someone. I was in a relationship because I was begged, and I went with it. I was very much a lesbian but I didn’t know how to really express that. He was creepy and kept trying to include himself. I didn’t like it, she didn’t like it, it was a mess. Just let her go, you’ll be happier.

OP, I think the only practical advise is to wish her well and give both of you the space to find someone else who meets your needs and can reciprocate - In other words move on. Gay or straight, not everyone we are attracted to is going to feel the same toward us. There is a time to give up and move on, and this is that time.

Arokthis 21

Been there, done that. Just remember: It could ALWAYS be worse.

CalB22 6

At least she didn’t cheat on you with a woman before coming out to you

To be socially insensitive here: SHE’S A THOT. You deserve better OP.