By purrtygirl - 09/06/2009 06:44 - United States

Today, a guy from my school came into my work. I know him but I'd forgotten his name. I didn't want to be rude and ask for his name when he probably expected me to know it, so, thinking I was clever, I said, "How do you spell your name again?" His name is Rob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 129
You deserved it 55 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always play the "how old are you?". "I dont believe you", "prove it, show me your license". Flattery makes people blind :)

Meh - I know a Robb or two. You could have made a semi graceful recovery - "Thought so, but my (fake) cousin has an extra 'b' in his".


Haha, you should've just said something like "Sorry, I know I know who you are but your name has completely slipped my mind...what's your name again?" We all forget names at some point in our life, it's no biggie! I'm sure he wouldn't've minded, if you're not friends then I don't see that would've been much of a problem :P

You still couldve saved youself by saying "well duh I know your name is rob! *laugh* I meant how to u spell ur full name, robby with a y or an ie?* Problem solved

You should have been like : i meant your last name smarty..duhh... Then it would have made him look stupid....

I've totally used that trick before! But I'll try to remember your story for next time.

I've done that before, but usually that trick works in the context of your at a party and you just met someone and your putting their number into your phone because otherwise why would you need to spell their name.

procrastinator_fml 0

There's different spellings for pretty much any name. I have a friend who spells it Robb.

Ok, awkward to say the least. There's nothing wrong with asking his name, it's not like ur "supposed" to remember every single person's YDI for embarassing yourself!

zanthrax 0

This doesn't even work in the movies, why on earth would you expect it to work in real life?!