By purrtygirl - 09/06/2009 06:44 - United States

Today, a guy from my school came into my work. I know him but I'd forgotten his name. I didn't want to be rude and ask for his name when he probably expected me to know it, so, thinking I was clever, I said, "How do you spell your name again?" His name is Rob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 129
You deserved it 55 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always play the "how old are you?". "I dont believe you", "prove it, show me your license". Flattery makes people blind :)

Meh - I know a Robb or two. You could have made a semi graceful recovery - "Thought so, but my (fake) cousin has an extra 'b' in his".


If it's just one person, do you really need to know their name? Can't you just say "Hey, how's it going?"

haha. i say YDI. that is the dumbest method of getting somebody's name.

Fmylife has gotten so lame. I liked it better when no one knew about it. Now all the fmls are stupid.

Noah_h 0

there are so many people i have met while blacked out or just forgotten their name that I have gotten over the embarrassment of asking what their name is... or i just say hey man, bro, dude or something vague.. its not hard to pull off, YDI

I would just be blunt and say "i'm sorry I forget your name" i do it all the time

britches 0

Ouch. Good effort at least.