By purrtygirl - 09/06/2009 06:44 - United States

Today, a guy from my school came into my work. I know him but I'd forgotten his name. I didn't want to be rude and ask for his name when he probably expected me to know it, so, thinking I was clever, I said, "How do you spell your name again?" His name is Rob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 129
You deserved it 55 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always play the "how old are you?". "I dont believe you", "prove it, show me your license". Flattery makes people blind :)

Meh - I know a Robb or two. You could have made a semi graceful recovery - "Thought so, but my (fake) cousin has an extra 'b' in his".


Hahahah I always do that. I just avoid saying there name and if it comes time I need to write it, I ask how to spell it. This hasn't happened to me luckily

happygoluckyhh 0

You could have always just been like "Yeah, but I meant your last name.." But like #7 said people don't get offended if you ask and if they do it's not the end of the world. But I don't think (like #7 does) that YDI. You weren't trying to be slick and cool just trying to avoid an awkward moment.

morg991 0

you could of just been like oh i know someone who has a doubble b and ends it with an E ROBBE

kennington 0

lol, i do that all the time! and i never got caught! :) hehe

proud_liberal 0

Don't stress it, the only boys name I care to know is Obama. The rest of the boys are all the same, and learning their names is a waste of time

This happened to me once, but it was her last name, which was Peters. >.

xxspeakxx 0

i always do that haha and then feel stupid when their name is something simples like Anna or Mark

RobB maybe two b's duhh playy that ish off.

That's always a good way to do it. And, like other people have been saying, "Rob? Or Robb?"