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By anon - 05/04/2017 04:00

Today, a guy grabbed my ass at the mall. I whirled around and went to sock him. He ducked and I accidentally hit the elderly woman standing behind him in the face. To say all hell broke loose would be an understatement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 710
You deserved it 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, I hope that woman was okay. Sorry to hear about the sexual harassment too, OP. Seriously, why is it so difficult for some people to keep their dirty hands to themselves?

Melvin Lucrane 5

I feel sorry for the grandma. Sucks to be her.


Aw, I hope that woman was okay. Sorry to hear about the sexual harassment too, OP. Seriously, why is it so difficult for some people to keep their dirty hands to themselves?

Melvin Lucrane 5

I feel sorry for the grandma. Sucks to be her.

OP, next time kick/ knee him in the nuts.... (Sheesh per perv!)

that would be sexual assault. that would be basically be like what the man did to her

Also (since we apparently cant edit any more) I really hate the "If you kill* him you will be just like him" trope. It has a far more limited applicability than it is ever given, and ignore the fact that sometimes returning [action] for [action] is the only way to <i>permanently</i> convince the original aggressor to <i>stop</i>. *replace "kill" with whatever thematically appropriate action one is attempting to persuade the other to not do.

Next time call the police . Grabbing your ass is sexual assault . It's not ok !

The phrase "Look before you Leap" applies here. Always look first! I'm sorry it happened. I'm assuming he got away. He deserved to be charged for that. I hope the woman is OK too!

I want to know more about what happened.

next time, turn around, flirt a little then knee him in the nuts. much more effective than turning and swinging.

What were you wearing? Also, that Grandma should be writing an FML entry here too.

Brightbulb 39

why does it matter what she was wearing? yea there are proven correlations between what is written and harassment, but that still does not make it right. Shame on you for implying it does. and I agree Grandma needs to make an FML too.

And you have proven your jackassery with that one "question." Sexual assault, be it groping or anything else, is never appropriate. Putting the blame on anyone except the attacker degrades the victim, and shifts the blame to the victim rather than the person who refuses to rein in their impulses- which, there is no excuse for.

So what is the target of the assault supposed to do? Scream? Cry? Piss herself? Punching the jackass who grabbed her is perfectly appropriate response. Punching a random bystander is not. She did the right thing, but she needs to improve her aim. Telling her to practice her target selection in not "blaming" her for being a victim.

I bet this guy has done this before and knows to duck when he assaults a woman.

It doesn't matter what she was wearing; nobody has the right to grab her body without her permission.

Today, I went to the mall. While in line, a pervert grabbed the rear of a woman in front of him. She turned around to punch him. He ducked. I got hit instead. FML

species4872 19

Clearly our ass grabber is quite experienced at this.