By kay - 01/06/2012 21:08 - United Kingdom - Maidstone

Today, a homeless guy grabbed me and started ranting that "the Mayans were right" or some shit. He was making about as much sense as Charlie Sheen outside of a padded cell, so I shoved him away. That's when he decided to pull a knife and chase me all the way to my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 979
You deserved it 4 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

melikeyturtles 3

Dont mess with homeless people. They will kick your a** and not care about consequences. They have nothing to lose.

Your lucky it wasn't dirty mike and the boys those homeless guys will have sex in your car.


Why the car? Shouldn't you run to the police? Now you have the risk of him trashing your car...

The Mayans are the ones who predicted that the world would end. It's your fault for not knowing. YDI.

The Mayans never predicted the world would end on December 21, 2012. The Mayans didn't even have a calendar. They had sets of CALENDARS. They believed the world would simply welcome a new era every so often, and the old era ends on December 20, 2012 and a new one begins. No catastrophes, no wipeouts, nothing. It's simply the start, or "rebirth," of a new generation/era. Second of all, the Mayans also had access to hallucinogenic drugs and took them on a daily basis. Who knows what they saw in those stars? xD

finally, someone who makes sense! the word 'Apocalypse' doesnt actually mean the end of the world, it means 'revelation' or 'lifting of the veil', so people panicking about the world ending need to relax. we'll probably just have some amazing home truth revealed to us. like where do all the odd socks go

Making as much sense as Charlie Sheen outside of a padded cell LOL

MerrikBarbarian 9

Rights don't matter much if you are dead. Crazy people are much better dealt with by responding gently, ignoring or running like hell. Provoking an armed crazy person by shoving them tends to just result in your harm. If you plan to fight you'd better know some form of legit self defense to disable their attack quickly.

Don't trust homeless people, they will come back with anything, it's like they want to go to jail, maybe because they know at least they will get fed

The mayans were right about YOUR life ending, that's what he was hinting at with the knife

Emporer_416 6