By kay - 01/06/2012 21:08 - United Kingdom - Maidstone

Today, a homeless guy grabbed me and started ranting that "the Mayans were right" or some shit. He was making about as much sense as Charlie Sheen outside of a padded cell, so I shoved him away. That's when he decided to pull a knife and chase me all the way to my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 979
You deserved it 4 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

melikeyturtles 3

Dont mess with homeless people. They will kick your a** and not care about consequences. They have nothing to lose.

Your lucky it wasn't dirty mike and the boys those homeless guys will have sex in your car.


Mirageg450 3

Well just be happy he didn't eat your face ...

DarkHelmet 10

You shoulda just threw a few bucks over your shoulder. He woulda stopped to pick it up and you would've helped a person in need while at the same time defusing a hostile situation.

Charlie Sheen outside of a padded cell? Haven't seen much of him since his "winning" spree. I guess he's a hobo now.

WildInTheStreets 5

He was probably high on bath salts.

You must have looked tasty. Did he have a fork in the other hand?

pfclunchbox005 1

With my glock at my side. He would have been done

Good luck next time, trying to be cool. Lame.

Aieee! Your life was almost literally ******. |the kid|

amandalillian 27

I bet you that whole post was just a set up for that Charlie Shen joke

reddudeover 2

The Mayans weren't right because with the rash of cannibalism in the news we're obviously going out zompocolypes style *cocks shotgun