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By I_Am_The_Edge - 11/06/2009 16:06 - United States

Today, I was at the park when I saw a homeless man sleeping on a bench. I thought it would be funny to throw a small rock at him. He thought it would be funny to pull out his knife and chase me for six blocks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 750
You deserved it 865 874

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you realize how god damn insensitive it is to throw a rock at anyone, especially someone in so much misfortune, and then complain about what happens, when you probably have a good life based off the fact that you have a phone or computer to post this from Sincerely, **** you


I hope you realize how god damn insensitive it is to throw a rock at anyone, especially someone in so much misfortune, and then complain about what happens, when you probably have a good life based off the fact that you have a phone or computer to post this from Sincerely, **** you

lmao... you definitely deserved this. just coz they homeless doesn't mean that you can treat them how you want. .. then again throwing a rock at anyone is a big no

ArbiterOfFML 24

oh my day was terrible. First I saw a homeless guy. I then wanted to throw a rock at him. He then attacked me FML. You are a bastard for that.

you're somebody who is way too young to have a mobile phone considering you're silly grammar mistakes

Dreads109 5
CloudlyLilacMask 7

That is very harsh to do, homeless people have a soul and feelings, they get enough people giving them the death stare and etc, they cant help it if they are homeless alot of times they can't grasp to get any job sometimes to a divorce, getting fired, family kicking them out soon as 18, not money for college, etc no one deserves to get thrown a rock at for just sleeping in peace!

You're... I don't know what's worse or somebody who doesn't check his grammar or somebody who doesn't check his sensitivity

what’s even worse is a grammar nazi. no one cares dude shut up

sammypooface 11

I wish he would have stabbed you, you ignorant twat!