
By Anonymous - 21/10/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, its been three weeks since my boyfriend's "hilarious prank" went off. He hid a Bluetooth speaker in my son's room and played a scary clown laugh at 2am. Now my son won't even enter his room, much less sleep in it. My boyfriend had better learn to love sleeping on the sofa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 329
You deserved it 81

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He better learn to love sleeping in the street. That’s a breakup offense.

TomeDr 24

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! Are you sure you want to be with someone so cruel as to play tricks to frighten a toddler??


He better learn to love sleeping in the street. That’s a breakup offense.

TomeDr 24

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! Are you sure you want to be with someone so cruel as to play tricks to frighten a toddler??

You should be saying ex-boyfriend, cuz I know if my significant other did that to my daughters I'd throw her ass out on the street instantly. That is incredibly cruel and childish to play pranks on a child like that.

YDI for having a live-in boyfriend as a single mom in the first place. How did you think this was going to turn out, genius?