By Hayleey_079 - 18/02/2010 14:22 - United Kingdom

Today, a picture fell off of the wall in the middle of the night. It hit me smack bang in the middle of face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 040
You deserved it 3 767

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i say, get revenge and when your picture is sleeping, blast it with a shotgun

lol OP's not at hogwarts... it's probably above her bed.


orisit28 0

I fear this same thing every night but never remember to move the picture the following day.

youthink_fml 0

YDI. What did you hang it with? A thumbtack?

Did it have a heavy frame of something? So it really hurt?? I got hit in the face by a picture while iw as sleeping the other day but it wasn't too heavy so it just startled me.

TiniMartini 0

this is y u will never see nething above the head if my bed hanging up... I've always been scared it would happen to me lol

bridgette5866 0

I love this FML simply because of the use of the phrase 'smack bang'.

<---- my bunny is loose 24/7 and when I sleep too once she jumped right on my face and peed ---it is fun to be waken up by bunny pee --sarcasticly

EXACT same thing happened to me... except mine got my eye, which is now black