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By CoffeeGirl2000 - 29/06/2015 19:40 - United States

Today, a woman came through drive-thru and placed a long order while screaming at her kids in back. When we forgot a doughnut, she became enraged, threw her iced coffees at me, told me I was a no-life and that I always get her order wrong. It's my first day and I was only giving her the order. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 155
You deserved it 1 589

CoffeeGirl2000 tells us more.

Hey everyone OP here! I can't believe that this was posted, but thank you for all of the support. Whether you consider it good or bad, I got to go home after the woman dumped the 4 large iced coffees on me. My manager says that woman will be banned from the store for a month because of her reckless behavior. Thanks again everone!

Top comments

Sorry OP, FYL. I had a lady do a similar thing to me on a work trip once. Was my first week, was still learning the ropes and she yelled at me for not 'having a real job.' She came back six hours later, apologized, gave me a cupcake and said it was wrong for her to have a bad day and take it out on me. You may not get a cupcake or an apology, but don't let that one woman impact your life or doing your job correctly!

You can't ever forget the doughnuts. America runs on doughnuts.


What a bitch! throw some ice coffee back at her

imkool136 22

Make it hot. She kinda deserves it.

Clearly you want it to be her first and last day of work at her new job

Obviously you don't know the restraints of having a job and having to deal with shitty people...

The best part of waking up is coffee in your face.

i actually sang it in my head the folgers tune. lol

Sorry OP, FYL. I had a lady do a similar thing to me on a work trip once. Was my first week, was still learning the ropes and she yelled at me for not 'having a real job.' She came back six hours later, apologized, gave me a cupcake and said it was wrong for her to have a bad day and take it out on me. You may not get a cupcake or an apology, but don't let that one woman impact your life or doing your job correctly!

FYL OP, welcome to the world of franchises.

I bet she posted something here 20 mins ago

Sorry OP, this is only just the beginning.

Sorry op. Maybe tell your manager you don't want to work that station?

Her manager is only going to tell her to suck it up and get used to it. As long as it doesn't happen again (even if it's not OP's fault), she'll be fine. My managers in the past at Wendy's told me the same thing.

larrena2377 26

Managers couldn't care less about what you wanted. They just want the job done no matter what

JustinJK 21

^not always true. there's a lot of good managers out there.

SalsaVerdeDonut 22

Not all managers are like that. I'm a manager at my job and I wouldn't let my employees be miserable. If they truly were uncomfortable working a certain position I would ask someone else to switch with them. Yeah, I want to get the job done but if all my employees quit cause they hate it that much then how would I get any work done? Unhappy employees = crappy work.

imkool136 22

That sucks op, like you said, it's the first day, it seems like things can only go up:)

Now you see how the corporate fat cats make their money. They short change people and forget their doughnuts.

You can't ever forget the doughnuts. America runs on doughnuts.

sonasonic 34