By panos016 - 15/07/2011 13:51 - United Kingdom

Today, after 14 rice-filled days in China, I came back home. What's for lunch? Rice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 554
You deserved it 9 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SugarCrazy 14

Why don't you get off your ass and make something else, then?

killabb23 0

I've been eating rice my entire life.. it's not that bad.. We Spanish people love rice lol 18 years of rice right here!


crazyrunnergirl 7

who cares. rice is delicious

bwenduh45 7

Couldn't you just eat something else? or CAN't you eat something else?

Rice is good. Get your ass off FML and make something else then instead of complaining about it.

Cleanse your soul.. gay bacon strips galore! Om nom nom it up!

jobsman99 0

so what is one more day? no big deal.

no terayaki beef or sweet and sour chicken in China?

MrSexyPants 14

Those were created in America.

StudMuffinette 17

I can barely eat the same thing more than once a week. But rice every day for 2 weeks?? FYL