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By spitt - 13/05/2015 02:11 - United States - Franklin

Today, after a big presentation, people sent an open invitation to dinner. When I asked which restaurant and what time, I was told that I wasn't invited. I've been here for three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 493
You deserved it 2 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rhiannahoward14 19

Plan your own dinner party. But with blackjack and hookers. In fact forget the dinner party.

Go with your real friends to dinner and celebrate. You don't need them!


aizai97 18

You should probably leave your job if they arent appreciating you.

sonasonic 34

Unemployment must seem great to you then!

It's the American way! Don't like something? Trash it!

nonsensical 26

Screw you guys! I'm going home.

dont leave your job. karma is always a bitch and she will get them one by one >:)

If only life were fair and actually worked out that way. The world would be a MUCH better place.

I think he should look for another job before he quits

Go with your real friends to dinner and celebrate. You don't need them!

rhiannahoward14 19

Plan your own dinner party. But with blackjack and hookers. In fact forget the dinner party.

Oh, I am in love with how you think. Where do I find a woman like you?

flychicc 13

Dammit Bender! Get off FML and get to work!!

rhiannahoward14 19

It's robanukah, the holiest two weeks of the robot calendar, I can't work.

Screw those guys! They're just jealous of how much better you are at their jobs.

Haha, same here. You should tell them "bite my shiny metal ass"

flychicc 13

I am very amused that the comment directly above yours is a Bender quote.

AnOriginalName 19

That's a great way to get in trouble for sexual harassment at the workplace.

Too many managers, bosses, even co-workers treat each other terribly (usually they have something against someone with no understandable or logical reason.) If you can't financially quit and find a job that will hopefully treat you better, then just realize that they're a bunch of ***** and just focus on doing your job. Unless they have a solid reason not to like you?

That's easy, poison their food. No I'm kidding but that's sucks op. Have your own dinner party and kick their lousy dinner parties ass

Okay, so no one likes you at work. What's the big deal? Do you have any other friends away from work?