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By Anonymous - 11/05/2009 17:14 - Canada

Today, after a long day of working on my feet, I came home looking forward to soaking my aching feet in a foot spa. When I was pulling the machine out of a closet, it slipped and came crashing down on my feet. It broke. So did three of my toes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 090
You deserved it 4 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

suaveneanderthal 0

Hahaha, well look at it this way, you won't have any long days of working on your feet anymore! in fact, i'd say you have the best foot spa in the whole world. It solved your problem for weeks, not just one night!

She was talking about having sore feet after being at work and having to walk/stand around all day. And seeing as she is a female, she was most likely wearing high heels. Get that through your thick skull.


haleyyy12 0

You should have started explaining yours. Pretty nasty though.

Too bad it didn't happen at work, there goes your workers comp.

tuplukka 0

hahahhaa sorry but I can't stop laughing!

goldfalsebond 0

I was about to flip a shit before I saw that it said that you broke your toes. That just sucks only because of the irony. Funny though

You probably shouldn't have 'pulled' something that could fall, but grabbed it. YDI.

suaveneanderthal 0

Hahaha, well look at it this way, you won't have any long days of working on your feet anymore! in fact, i'd say you have the best foot spa in the whole world. It solved your problem for weeks, not just one night!

well thats what you get for caring so much about your toes. toes are stupid. forget about them. if i see a girl with painted up toes im not like "oh my god i jizzed in my pants because of those hot toes!" im like "nice toes wanna ****?" OR "nice toes i dont give a ****" sheesh!

She was talking about having sore feet after being at work and having to walk/stand around all day. And seeing as she is a female, she was most likely wearing high heels. Get that through your thick skull.

jen_kay 0

OUCH! Well when you look at the bright side, your not going to be standing so much anymore... at least until they heal up. Hope your feeling better soon! the broken toes took your mind off of your aching heels..

malcolm1919 0

feet will be the second most disgusting part of the body from now until eternity no matter what you do to them, so maybe you should just wear comfortable shoes instead of wating money on an expensive machine.