By thanksdoc - 24/06/2013 22:12 - United States - San Antonio

Today, after asking my psychiatrist about natural alternatives to medication for my depression, she replied, "Why not Zoidberg?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 944
You deserved it 6 390

thanksdoc tells us more.

thanksdoc 3

Yes, my psychiatrist is a boss. She did the impression spot on without looking up from her notes, which was hilarious. Woopwoopwoopwooooop

Top comments

rg350dx 29

Did she then proceed to walk sideways out of the room wailing WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP?


Admittedly, although Zoidberg would certainly not be a solution to clinical depression, if it's just a passing mood of sadness a bit of Futurama's favourite lobster monster thing could definitely be of some help.

rg350dx 29

Talk to your doctor about Zoidloft. The number 1 prescribed medication of its kind. Zoidloft is not for everyone. People taking jokes poorly as well as other side effects such as nausea, spontaneous combustion and extra limb growth have been known to occur.

RedPillSucks 31

May cause ITS (internet texting syndrome), PGS (poor grammar syndrome), and sometimes death.

Maybe your psychiatrist thought it'd make you laugh? Laughing naturally kills depression!

I can't find the "FML" part of this. Everyone I know hates Futurama.

cottoncandymango 17

I'm sure your psychiatrist was only trying to break the ice and get a giggle out of you. :)

Sam-e actually works well as a natural remedy with minimal side effects and interactions. Bipolar people do need to be careful though, because just like a prescription antidepressant, it can trigger a mania. There is plenty of research out there on it, including books. It's been used overseas for years. When I was having issues tolerating prescriptions, my psychiatrist used this on me. It worked well for a long time, but unfortunately, being bipolar and needing mood stabilizers, I did eventually have to return to a more traditional route. We now use it in conjunction with my other meds when I need to break a real bad depression.

u actually spent that long explaining it! jobless!

AFloppyWetWhale 6

Or just helpful and kind you asshole

shadowedpixie 19

There is an herbal formula called Stress Response, which you can take daily along with a diet high in protein and nutrients. It worked for me.

I wish there was a 'But that's awesome!' button...if I ever get depressed I hope I have such a cool therapist. When I do feel down it's normally about big things that are out of my control so I do find that the best help is someone distracting me with smaller, positive things...

Well it beats the usual "Uh-huh, and how does that make you feel?"

Thank you! I hated that because often I would be hysterically crying and would want to say well clearly I felt great about that why I'm in a damn therapist office!!!

I really want to know if she used her normal voice and was completely deadpan about it or whether it was a full on Zoidberg impression. I can't decide which would be more hilarious.