By jellymoon14 - 28/07/2011 22:25 - United States

Today, after being recently laid off at work due to "cutbacks", I went job searching around town. During my drive, I cruised past my old workplace and saw a "now hiring" sign in their window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 872
You deserved it 4 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

biasedshooter 24
NastyNinja31 0

go get your job back since the "cutbacks" r over


spazx 5

never said suing was the answer but if it was unlawful which does happen then it's a possibility..I think suing is the last resort but if the person was wrongly terminated ESPECIALLY if they are qualified and a good performer within the org then they may have a case. Suing isn't always the answer lol it all depends on the situation. Just stating her legal rights afforded to her..

Chrispayne 4

Many places do cut backs in certain area's. Maybe u didnt qulify for the jobs they r hiring for

They may have laid off workers with your skill set and hired other people for a different aspect of the business.

they do that so they can hire new ppl that they can pay less

happypeople_2009 0

did u put in an app.?????? lol

Today, I was feeling bad about my height so my friend decided to tell me that short people don't live so long and are more likely to have more health issues that lead to death. FML

at least they laid you off instead of firing you. on a different note if your laid off that means when they have work available you should be able to come back so... go inside and say alright you found funding... and ask for it back

apply for it. if they lied they'll feel like twats knowing you spotted it.