By Scarlet - 09/08/2016 18:01

Today, after calling my bank to see where my paycheck was, and waiting on hold for my entire lunch break, my boss told me she forgot to submit my deposit. I was relying on that money to pay for lunch today as I used all I had for bills. Looks like I eat tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 695
You deserved it 1 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well OP, I know it might be hard, but try asking a coworker/friend to pay for lunch and offer to pay them back. I know people are going to chew out the boss, but honestly everyone makes mistakes-including bosses. Hopefully she was remorseful and apologized.

If your boss is at least a bit reasonable, you could ask him/her to front you some money for lunch because it was their fault you're in trouble now...


Well OP, I know it might be hard, but try asking a coworker/friend to pay for lunch and offer to pay them back. I know people are going to chew out the boss, but honestly everyone makes mistakes-including bosses. Hopefully she was remorseful and apologized.

usnwife 18

I'd ask the boss to pay... yeah, mistakes happen but it was boss's mistake that prevented OP from eating, buying OP lunch would be a very simple way to fix that mistake

ask the boss for money for lunch and an extended lunch since you spent your entire lunch calling the bank only to find out that your pay check hadn't been deposited yet.

Your boss is a bitch demand a raise for unsatisfactory management and/or work environment

I mean well the boss didn't exactly know that OP had to use that money for lunch, but Op's boss still should have put in the money on time.

That's a bit extreme , mishaps happen sometimes OP needs to ask a coworker or the boss for some money to get lunch and pay back once paid obviously awkward but can't be helped

OP's boss isn't a robot. Humans make mistakes. As long as the boss apologized and fixed the mistake asap then they're okay.

Aww... sorry, OP. I know it's too late, and it won't matter to you- but I would have totally took you out to eat, maybe watch a movie or something! Lol I always try to help someone in a bind and pay it forward, y'know? Never know when you'll need a bit of kindness thrown your way! Hope your day got better though!

I mean that's nice and all but doing nice things to people so that they would be nice to you in the future would be more accurately paying it backward (or just making people owe you favors). Paying it forward is when someone does something nice for you and then you go do something nice for someone else.

We need more understanding people in the world. Paying it forward means you do something nice for them and they continue that trend. I don't think she was saying that the person she is doing something nice for is expected to return the favor to her.

species4872 19

Frankly, my dear, we all give a damn. Unfortunately, your lunch is gone with the wind.

If your boss is at least a bit reasonable, you could ask him/her to front you some money for lunch because it was their fault you're in trouble now...

That sucks. Hopfully your boss would help you out by depositing the money soon.

redlizzybeth 25

That is when you look your boss in the eye and say "Oh great, lunch is on you then, right?"

Your boss should have at least wrote a check for today. How unprofessional.

Not to mention a lot of companies use a third party vendor for payroll. Can't just write a check to make up for it.

Even if OP did ask the boss for today's lunch, the entire break was already wasted on the call to the bank. awkward to ask for so many favors. "Since you f'd up could you loan me some money for food until that check clears? Oh, and I need you to find a way to cover an entire 2nd lunch break today. Thanks." for sure FYL. If he/she is anything like my past managers they likely won't give a ****.

That's something an employer cannot forget. If it happens again go to the union