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By Anonymous - 02/09/2009 09:21 - Australia

Today, I was walking with my boyfriend down the street and a really hot guy walked past with no shirt on. While distracted by his hardened stomach muscles, I promptly walked into a pole, then became single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 784
You deserved it 72 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

... well you did kind of deserve it xD but still, hardened stomach muscles are quite hard to resist.. mm....

I'm sure you'd feel the exact same way if your boyfriend did this with a woman. Men doing this is something every woman bitches about ENDLESSLY. Women seem to think there's a double standard where when a man does something it's "wrong" and when a woman does something it's "ok". Then women wonder why men don't respect or trust them. It's because they can't because of double-standards like that. Worse yet, you're from my neck of the woods.


... well you did kind of deserve it xD but still, hardened stomach muscles are quite hard to resist.. mm....

suaveneanderthal 0

ha, my girlfriend and I joke about other people being hot all the time, your boyfriend is a big douche bag for doing that. Just because you find someone physically attractive doesn't mean you would have anywhere near the same emotional connection with that person. Of course it sounds like you two don't exactly have the emotional connection thing down too well if thats all it takes for him to drop you.(kinda like the pole did)

You don't blatantly check people out in front of your significant other though. That's really disrespectful.

monicamischief 0

that's not disrespectful at all; it's called being secure in your relationship. if you know that your man wants no one else but you, who the the **** cares if he checks out another women? he's just looking, not touching, for god's sake. looking is ******* HUMAN NATURE. i check out girls with my boyfriend all the ******* time. come back after you graduate middle school please. or at least the middle school mindset of relationships.

Enjoy being cheated on, but dont worry, this will be the last time. sucker

mnkyc_mnkydo 5

there's looking then there's staring running into a pole isn't a passing glance.

58 gets it, too bad none of the rest of you do

superstephen4 5

you check out girls. when your with your boyfriend? confussed muh?

it is disrespectful. just because it's common knowledge that people are attracted to other people (gasp!) doesn't mean that your SO has to ogle people in front of you to the point where he/she can't function.

joy1523 0

...clearly the relationship wasn't that "secure" if the dumping happened so quickly after the glance at the "hardened stomach muscles"... and why are people turning this into "guys do it so why can't girls?" its not about the glance at another dude, its about the distraction being so intense that she walked into a pole. if a guy i was with walked into a pole because he was so distracted by another girl, that would be just as insulting. ...though really, i think laughing as a response would suffice, since the pole would probably teach the best lesson in this story.

danceoo 0

i agree that he overreated...but to do it so blantantly she walked into a pole? she could at least have been discreet...

Sweet2020 4

The point is she was so engrossed that she hurt herself. THAT is disrespectful. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking, but you shouldn't be getting caught either. Especially not after physical injury. ROFLMAO...I can only hope OP dusted herself off and got Hot Guy w/ Abs' phone number.

what guy walks down the street with no shirt on?

Subliminalsounds 0

Yea raelly who does that? Not that i really care if he has a nice body tho ;)

Lightcrusade 9

I do all the time... Ain't no shame in my game. Fat or insecure people are the only ones who care.

Friendzonian 0

Guys who smile down on us who save it for later.... Wait that is a douche bag

A guy walking down the street by the beach does

If they are near the beach that is understandable, but if it's like the center of a city then yea he is a tool

Wow, your boyfriend is realllllly jealous. You looked at a guys stomach , who cares?

I'm sure you'd feel the exact same way if your boyfriend did this with a woman. Men doing this is something every woman bitches about ENDLESSLY. Women seem to think there's a double standard where when a man does something it's "wrong" and when a woman does something it's "ok". Then women wonder why men don't respect or trust them. It's because they can't because of double-standards like that. Worse yet, you're from my neck of the woods.

#8, I disagree. I don't think there should be a double standard at all. If I don't want my boyfriend doing it, I'm not going to (or I'll try not to, at least). I don't think the double standard is a woman thing, I think it's a certain brainless people thing.

rayrayy_fml 0

#8 Dude, calm down. Not all girls are like that. My bf looks at girls all the time and I couldn't care less. It'd be silly for me to assume he will NEVER find anyone attractive but myself. He has every right to look wherever he wants, just be faithful and come home to me, is all I ask. So before you start saying that all women "bitch endlessly" why don't you stop being such a dick yourself, and maybe you'll find a decent girl.

Oh, I gotta add: I don't care where my guy looks, as long as he respects me. That means he can't drool over some other woman while I'm right beside him. A casual glance or discreet look is fine. If my boyfriend ran into a pole watching a girl, I would laugh at him and feel like I don't need to make him feel any worse by dumping him. Plus, that's not a dump-worthy offense, in my opinion.

plutosaplanet 0

#8 i dunno what girls you surround yourself with but i'd think you should up the caliber. If my boyfriend looked at a girl so hard he walked into a pole i'd laugh as i helped him up then probably laugh at him. i wouldn't bitch endlessly, cry about it or dump him. it's called being secure in your relationship.

I think you've got the double-standard thing backwards in regards to this. Seriously, dude. A girl just got dumped for doing something that is a totally typical of a guy - you tell me where the double standard is there. Also, as I pointed out to the dumbass elsewhere on the page, what other girls might bitch about has **** all to do with this scenario, so STFU about it, yeah?


eh...I've had a few girlfriends like 8 is talking about. that isn't to say that i've had a couple who were the exact opposite, but it is verry common to have double standards like that, my previous gf ****** some random guy on our last 'break' before the breakup, and kept bitching at me for getting with some random chick during the same time period. when i pointed out that she was with someone else, too, she pulled her go-to response in that kind of situation, which, of course, was 'that's totally different.' didn't even bother asking the follow up question to that one, because i know the response would've been, 'because it is.' like i said before, there are some that do this, and others that don't. Maybe you should go out and find a chick that's mature and level headed, like i finally went and did, #8.

perryscherry 0

this is the truth. @OP ur boyfriend is an ass and has the maturity of a penny.

#8 never said all women were like that. you're just assuming #8 said that.

rayrayy_fml 0

#79 - When you learn to read, then you may join the conversation. "...Men doing this is something *every* woman bitches about ENDLESSLY..."

Redneck325Ci 0

#15 You fail. It was a FEMALE that typed #8, not a male. Pay attention to detail.

Its really not a matter of gender-related double-standarding at all really. A conflict on this situation can occur in both aspects (man looking at a women, or women looking at men). Granted that there are women who hypocritical about this, but there are just as many, if not more, men also. I dont think this would be something to dump someone on the spot about, maybe a mild argument at best. Like most said, I would laugh my ass off. The conflict comes from personal view, not gender though. Some people just dont like their significant others looking at other people in that way.... some couldn't give two *****.... and some are hypocritical about it. But it is alittle more than a glance if you hit a pole, a glance is ok but staring like in front of him was rude and that was karma coming back at you.... though its not something he should have dumped you over. Call me what you want, but in this take... for total lack of respect to your bf.... YDI

I agree, women have tons of double standards. My Girlfriend got mad because I accidentally saw up a close friends skirt at school but it was okay for her and her friends to walk into a guys room while he was in only his boxers

I agree with #4. Personally, my boyfriend and I have a "no touching" rule. We discuss attractive girls all the time. I point them out to him quite often, often enough so that we can just give each other a look and know what the other is thinking. Some relationships are different, though, so I guess it is all subjective.

the_stereotype 0's not like your (ex)boyfriend hasn't looked at other girls...he just probably wasn't so obvious. on the plus side, now you can go after that guy with the hardened stomach.

tiny19_fml 0

And knowing karma... she probably won't

Yum. haha aww, well if you're going to admire other guys, at least do it so it's not obvious, and make sure there isn't a pole near you while you're drooling. hahaha

that sux, but you're probably leaving something out if your boyfriend dumped you for just looking at some rock hard abs. So still YDI

CDS09 0

If you are going to look, at least be sneaky about it....looking so hard that you dont even see you are walking into a pole is quite insulting to your boyfriend Ask yourself, if he was looking at a girls ass so hard that he walked into a pole, wouldnt you be kind of pissed? If this was the only incident then he over reacted, but you need to use better discretion.