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By asdfghjkl - 10/02/2010 19:20 - United States

Today, after getting home from school, I realized I'd tucked my shirt into my underwear this morning. I'm fairly certain everyone got a good look at my lime green underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 766
You deserved it 26 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope they were lime green when you bought them.


MermaidSongXOXO 6

And they liked it :] However, you're the school **** now :(

Ajjas013 6

Lol Tara's first! Hey, at least OP didn't forget to wear boxers and then... *Shivers*

AngryNinja 1

chicks dotnt wear boxers, Ajjas. duh. she's not a ****. she's just a hoe. now 'accidentally' put your bra on on the outside of your shirt tomorrow, op. that'll really get 'em goin'.

Ajjas013 6

Ninja, I misread it I thought OP was a male. But they do have boxers for women.

Ajjas013 6

Umm Sirin? The bug came back :(

RachelTM 0

Boxers for women? Are you referring to booty shorts?

they do have women boxers...they r suprisingly comfortable

Ajjas013 6

Let me know how long it takes Rachel.

a girl at my school tucked her shirt into her thong... t'was funny

hotscar 3

hey, what happened to your pic where you had green eyes and looked almost like a vampire? that was a beast pic

pongmaster 0

haha I'd feel like such a bean

That's a bit odd. I don't know alot of girls who tuck their shirt in.

AngryNinja 1
Averizzle 0

You're in middle school, you won't understand until you're older and realize that sleeping with people is what makes you a ****, not showing a pair of underwear. dumbass.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

#91 I was joking about the fact that people take things too seriously and some people might think she showed off her underwear on purpose in order to attract boys, which would be slutty.

YDI firstly for wearing green underwear, and secondly for tucking your short into it

AngryNinja 1

#91, middle schoolers know most of what high schoolers knows. fyi. unless they attend a private school or live under a rock.

@13 AngryNinja what's the difference between a **** and a hoe?

AngryNinja 1

hoes dress like *****. ***** actually sleep around, while hoes don't. they just act like they do.

AngryNinja 1
hotscar 3

no, i've had my experience with private schools. catholic ones especially. they are actually worse when it comes to how slutty the girls are

AngryNinja 1

not always. i went to catholic schools until high school and i didn't get bad until.. a month into freshman year. >:3

hotscar 3

I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that she would have to do more than that to be a ****

hotscar 3

Idk, maybe for you, but Ive seen the girls at Bennett and they will pretty do just about everything with a guy

I live right in between two catholic highschools and I'm 15 I know what you mean it's a fantasy come true. op how is this a fyl a girl at my school gave like 8 guys head this year and people never bug her about her being a **** not directly anyhow and who cares what ppl think about you

AngryNinja 1

126, that's why i said she's only a hoe. 127, catholic high school girls are ***** and catholic hs guys are gay. coming from a catholic school into a public school has made me even worse than a catholic hs girl. but i don't fling myself around like you say they do. so maybe that makes me better? 128, she /says/ she gave head to like eight guys. doesn't mean it actually happened.

.....hmmmm.... I'm so glad I'm not in high school anymore... but this is amusing, carry on

hotscar where are you from? I'm right by Bennett

AngryNinja 1
AngryNinja 1

ignore my failing. my ipod likes to fix my spelling when i mean to be incorrect and not fix it when i mean to be correct. *insert cursing at stupid device here*

boxers are comfy they give ur balls air

I kno some girls wear guys boxers, one of my friends(who's a girl) says she sometimes wears her brothers boxers to bed(weird I kno)

neither do I but that **** that commented saying the OP is a **** is retarded

Dude, mermaid is not a **** or fact, she is one of the more intelligent members of the Fml community and was simply pointing out that this girl probably came off as a **** at school today because her underwear was showing. Dumbass

Ajjas013 6

i think you responded to the wrong comment but yeah I agree. Me and Mermaid are like this *Smooshes two jellybeans together*

no, i responded to the correct comment....the person above me said: "neither do I but that **** that commented saying the OP is a **** is retarded" referring to mermaid's comment, which was: "And they liked it :] However, you're the school **** now :(" So, i was simply countering his argument..... oh sh* lawyer parents are rubbing off on me.....i feel horrible...and filthy

Ajjas013 6

Oh I didn't see his comment. Nah it's cool, Tara (Mermaid) is worth debating in my opinion.

AngryNinja 1

It will never work out when she see's what Ajjas looks like.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Nice to know you think I'm that shallow, Freeze.

AngryNinja 1

freeze, no one appreciated that comment. ajjas is a beautiful person. and not everyone is as shallow as you.

hotscar 3

wow. way to think that she just looks for guys with looks

iztrollinnn 0

FIRST. nah prolly not. happened to me in 1st or 2nd grade.. sucked. fyl.

cam007_fml 0
Ajjas013 6

Go ask perdix, I don't have any bovine jokes.

carrot top, he said probably not. he must have posted it when there were no other posts yet and he realized that by the time he finished his comment, there will probably be a post before him

Airforce, seriously? You have nothing better to do than to namecall someone for their hair color? FYI, Carrottop (the comedian) is extremely rich and in excellent shape. So... are you saying that 'snickerdoodle' is rich and fit? If so, I apologize, carry on calling her a carrottop. On the other hand, if you're not (which is obviously the case), then why don't you post a pic, and we'll find a name for you?

who tucks their shirt in unless y'all have uniforms then I can understand

seldoodrekcinS 0
guckylynn 19

Humorizer when did you last see Carrottop? Ge got crazy plastic surgery and is scary as all hell.

that is a fail how do u not realize tht? lol but fyl

hahaa i would have just looked straight into op's eyes, shook my head whilst laughing, and then walked away. (:

anonymous112295 0

ehh. who tucks in their shirts now?? especially a woman??

anonymous112295 0

You're spelling? Yes, its' doess'. (I was being facetious up there)

I hope they were lime green when you bought them.

blademaster23 0