By idontbleedfromthere - 22/08/2012 23:10 - United States - Indio

Today, after having recently moved into shared accommodations, my prankster of a room-mate has somehow made sure I've yet again woken up with a tampon in my mouth. It's been three times in the past week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 979
You deserved it 2 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imagine if you choked on it in your sleep and died...The police report would be something to see.


Do what my best friend and I did to get revenge on a terrible roommate, leave bodily fluids in condiments. They never find out, and u have a funny story to tell for the rest of your life.

1. It's not really revenge if they never find out. Sure, you might feel a little better about what they did knowing that you got them back, but it's not getting them back if they have no idea you did it. 2. That's ******* disgusting. I don't care how awful this person was to you, unless they put bodily fluids in YOUR food, they do not deserve that.

In other news this FML poster is related to the guy who slept through everything in the house being stolen.

Areyuhkiddingme 8
senbonzakura90 3

My room-mate always manages to draw a penis on my leg 4th penis this week counting the one today

Please tell me it wasn't a used one. Eww

This sort of thing would never happen if you only thought to sleep in a welding mask! Some people just won't take the simple, obvious precautions! FYL

Okay now, appropriate revenge. I'd say...menstrual blood all over every article of clothing she owns. It's poetic justice.

Lock your door at night Keep the condom after your next "encounter" Used condom on your roommate's face.

Please tell me they were at least unused.