By Stressed Mother - 18/03/2015 21:26 - United States - Piscataway

Today, after months of job hunting, I finally got a phone call. They were impressed with me. That's when my son decided to throw a tantrum asking for food. After some silence, the caller told me they were looking for someone who wasn't juggling little kids at home and hung up. My son is 20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 041
You deserved it 6 000

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... Maybe you should get your son to work and pay the bills... AND FEED HIS GOD DAMN SELF.

trellz17 19

So everyone who works at that company has no small kids at home? Yeah right.


I believe that's unlawful discrimination. You should be able to report that to a government office. In the mean time, might be a good idea to get you son to grow some b***s. He should have learnt to fend for himself by now.

I would kill him if he was my son. So sorry OP keep searching, the right job will come along! Either tell your son to get a job and start helping around and doing stuff for himself, or he's getting kicked out! He's too old for that nonsense.

Living with your parents after 18 should be humbling

it's actually illegal to not hire someone on this basis

Wow that's an awful for them to say regardless!

You should not have to be a slave to your child forever! This is regardless of your child's ability. Do what's right for you.

skyeyez9 24

How about kicking your man child out of the house and force him to grow up?

I'd slap that overgrown jack ass into next Tuesday, then, next Tuesday when he came back, I'd be waiting with an uppercut into employment

It's your fault for providing for him when he is a grown man! Kick his ass out and make him live his own life.?

Kick him out and force him to grow up. He's old enough to make his own food.