By Maxie - 08/03/2013 01:55 - United States - Chesterland

Today, after my 5-year-old finally got over his grandmother's death, we went to a store and saw a lady that looked exactly like her. She came up to us asking if we saw her grandson; I can't get my son to stop freaking out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 751
You deserved it 2 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kristinash_baby 5

Wow that's kind of creepy, I think I'd be freaked out too.

Awe I'm so sorry that your son has to go through that. Death is such a difficult concept to grasp, even when you're older :/


ArashiGirl 13

If any guy ever took one of my grandmother's items (either side as both are now gone) and then LOST IT regardless of intent...I would honestly tell him to get lost. I don't care who he is, or what his intentions are, those things can NEVER be replaced. I have the earrings my maternal grandmother left me and I wear them frequently because they make me feel like I'm closer to her. It's a lot easier to ASK what her ring size is then ask for forgiveness.

i have like the same thing one of my best friend mom's died and then when i got married come to find out my grandmother in-law looks just like her. It's freaky!