By seriously wtf - 08/03/2013 03:18 - United States - Saint Petersburg
Same thing different taste
By Scholar - 16/06/2011 16:03 - United States
By crb25453 - 15/10/2015 05:07 - United States - Stafford
By Anonymous - 23/12/2018 04:00
By Really - 10/06/2015 01:59 - United States - Middletown
Higher education
By mermaidkeels - 08/09/2016 04:54 - United States - Miami
By Anonymous - 04/09/2019 16:03
By Grad Student - 13/01/2018 15:00
By Nate - 06/03/2009 03:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/09/2018 03:30
Teacher's pet
By Justcomeinlate - 07/10/2024 01:00 - Turkey
Top comments
Inception really challenges the mind, so you're probably getting your money's worth after all.
I am in love with that movie.
Exactly. You're paying for it, so you might as well form a comfy ass groove and get your money's worth. You did chose to take that course after all, even if it's required for your major. There are going to be classes you deem useless and boring to your degree. I had to take calculus for my forestry BS just so that, if I even needed to find the circumference of a tree
My stupid brain tumor made my thumb hit "Validate" before I was done! Damn you depth perception! Sorry :-( As I WAS saying: There are going to be classes you deem useless and boring to your degree. I had to take calculus for my forestry BS just so that if I ever needed to find the circumference of a tree, I could do so by using calculus; we have a special measuring tape called a DBH that does that for us. It sucked.
Oh, it totally makes sense NOW why I had to take it, but back then I was like, "Wtf? Calculus?". There are special equations we use to figure out the geometry of forests.
Does "The Architect" in The Matrix count? He built a whole world.
Or inception
Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel for lesson ideas.
I think you should try and report him somehow. I don't go to university, so I don't know who you'd have to go to. Just try and get your money back, or at least tell someone that he is wasting your time.
Unless the prof does this frequently, or the course material is nowhere near the course description and outline, then report him. Otherwise you are just going too far with it. To be honest, I don't know what OP is complaining, just do your own stuff while you are stuck in a boring class.
If he has tenure their is nothing you can do about. Legally, professors can teach whatever they want in class, telling them otherwise would interfere with academic integrity.
You need to burn your bridge with that professor.
Get over it O.P
This is one of the more tolerable FML's out there. On a daily basis most people have it worse than this, hands-down.
Very true, I'd rather pay to watch Jurassic Park every day than accidently grab a poop!
Jurassic Park? Accidentally grab a poop? Where'd these come from?
Accidentally grabbing a green log of turd - reference to another FML.
Characters from movies and books and movies who are architects? How could he forget television? Where would we be today without Mike Brady, architect, from the Brady Bunch tv show?!
Argh! I wrote movies twice! It's too early in the morning. I'm sorry for the mistake.
Not to forget Ted Mosby. And Jim whatever his last name is in According to Jim. I think that's pretty much it.
And George of Seinfeld , he always wanted to pretend to be an architect .
And let us not forget Bob the Builder, who inspired us all to become the best of the best. Who kept us with constant support and reassurance. Who told us when when we were asked if we could build it to hold out head up high and say "Yes, we can!"

Inception really challenges the mind, so you're probably getting your money's worth after all.
Does "The Architect" in The Matrix count? He built a whole world.