By rUs7up1d - 08/04/2015 14:43 - Guatemala - Guatemala City

Today, after pulling an all-nighter studying for an exam, I caught the bus to college. On the way there, the bus decided to make sweet love to a taxi, creating a pile-up and a traffic jam. I didn't make it to the exam in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 042
You deserved it 2 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely that is excuse enough to be given a second chance...

biasedshooter 24

Professors usually are understanding when things like that happen and let you have other exams count for double


drunk_crow 12

He needs an exam on being a good bus driver....

If you explain to your professor he or she might let you do a retake,

gintwinsmoore 20

I'm sure you'll ace the make up exam though. good luck!

Amdojin 13

I must say that I love the wording in this FML

Its he learning that matters exams are only a way to measure that. I am sure your professor will understand if you explain

Hopefully you can take it another day. Good luck OP

Lol..I like how you put that. I'm sorry you didn't make it. Hopefully your professor let's you retake it.

HighasaCloud 46

Maybe you shouldn't pull all nighters. Maybe you should be organised.