By Mr. Sensitive Nips - 17/03/2011 22:38 - United States

By Mr. Sensitive Nips - 17/03/2011 22:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 10/01/2020 18:00
By Anonymous - 23/07/2010 00:39 - United Kingdom
By tigerbyrn - 30/05/2016 15:35 - Canada - Scarborough
By sn-511 - 01/03/2013 22:54 - Italy - Naples
By shit.... - 08/11/2012 18:25 - Malaysia - Kuala Selangor
By Anonymous - 26/04/2013 22:22 - United States - Arvada
By 2in longer - 01/11/2016 12:57 - United States - Coldwater
By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 10:16 - United States
By me. - 07/05/2012 20:38 - Canada - Orillia
By arctic1 - 27/05/2009 09:45 - United States
dude thatz what turns me ob
dude thatz what turns me on
Leprechaun's curse.
yes tell her to stand in front of u then bend over
83 made me Lol
240 - That pun surprised me so much that it erected all my flaccid hair on my head. I guess I am special like a beat off the road; a masturbator, ******-aker.
240 made me smile. 262 made me stop.
now we know really is at the end of the rainbow dont we?
so THAT'S how it works
329- I was thinking the same thing
..and you can't even use the correct form of you're .. so your logic is out the window
Looks like we know where your favorite erogenous zones are. ;) hurts like hell! ... dont ask how i know
Wow that sounds worse than shoving stakes under your nails D: *shudders* >.<
omg STOP
Ok...I'm a girl and it made ME cringe, too. I almost threw up!
That's hot.
Ow. I can already feel the pain.
You were masturbating and tried to wipe your dong with a piece of paper? :D
249 is a girl with a penis. HAWT.
aw that sucks. when was at Patricks day?! aw crap and I was looking forward to it... kinda I'm a fail
um well. it's today...
Budget cuts due to the declining leprechaun economy required double rainbows to converge and utilize the same end, thus requiring a single leprechaun and a single pot of gold. With 50% of their workforce laid off, stocks rose and the rainbow execs then awarded themselves another couple billion in bonuses.
fail #7...
u a retard
If he was wearing jeans then it's not so bad, but judging from the FML, he was wearing something less stiff and showing something stiffer.
Seriously, what did men do before jeans? Dress slacks are a recipe for disaster.
Before jeans, most men wear underwear.
maybe he was wearing athletic shorts...?
haha nice 63
So, the power of the dong < underwear? because wearing boxers doesn't help.
you look like kesha!
I'm assuming that, since it was St. Patrick's Day, he was wearng a kilt.
(; ttthhaattsss hottt(:
(; alwayysssss a good timme(:(;
12, I doubt you even know what an erection is.
You have a serious case of text stutter.
I'm a guy and you're still frightening me.
I agree with 127.
112 you're not a guy... you're a freaking adorable Pikachu kitty!!
HAHA, word.
(149) and I'm the one that sounds like an moron.
an moron? seriously? nah, too easy.
too easy for you to be a moron.
Shut the hell up Kykyshay. Seriously. I don't know how many times people have to tell you that before you know that no one likes you.
I know who likes me and who doesn't thank you.if you don't like my comments don't read them.
everyone just stop fighting, please. it's not worth it. honestly.
Yep, it really isn't in anybody's best interest for this MissBunny25 vs Kykyshay vs jess6blondie9 vs the world thing to continue, trust me on that. Calm down, chill out. :-)
sorry about those names missbunny. I was just mad... :-(
it's okay :) all is forgotten. dude I told you sirin was the best mod in the world. she's like that pink good witch of the north on the wizard of oz. OMG thats who she reminds me of :0 holy shit.
*I'm sorry too lol.
lol she is pretty cool.
^ has anyone ever told you, you look like ke$ha?(: but wayyyy prettier
oops that was for missbunny
227 haha, unfortunately, yes. I get that all the time D: can't say I agree. but you're pretty as well :) and thank you.
lol I'm pretty sure my dog doesn't look like Kesha...actually she might a little...
hahahahaha but your dog is cute!!
thanks it's not bad cause u just have her good features
thanx! those sunglasses really bring out her eyes. :-)
bye, I'll see you later. gotta go! :)
234 well thanks :) bye kykyshay
lol total win pic
243 &246 who are y'all referring to?
"Sweety...can in this alley for a sec.."
tell her to stand in front of you?