By bblubblerfisch - 12/02/2013 18:04 - Austria - Vienna

Today, after spending six months completely repainting and redecorating our new home, I finally finished the last touches and went to remove the masking tape. Off came the tape, along with huge blotches of plasterwork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 550
You deserved it 7 524

bblubblerfisch tells us more.

Hey all. OP here. First of all I'm glad this was posted, because when the first blotch came off, I was thinking 'Oh NO! This is so FML!' and yeah - here it is :) And then - to clear up a few things: 1. This is not my first language and 'masking tape' was just what google translater told me 'Malerkrepp' means in English. Anyways: it was the right kind of tape, we used it on the whole house and it worked everywhere else except this particular wall because 2. there was a strange kind of 'wax' paint under a whole lot of other layers that apparently was not fit to be re-painted. Ours is a very old house and we didn't know the former owners used this. But I'm a lucky one. My fiancé filled the gaps in with painter's filling yesterday and after repainting all of it tonight I hope we will truly be done. Finally. And 3. I certainly didn't leave the tape on for half a year! This is just the amount of time we have been working on the whole project. #70 : I loved your comment! Thank you, this really helped and it's exactly what we are doing. Have a nice day everyone! :)

Top comments


This is the result of assuming painting tape is just regular tape. You know what happens when you assume... The masking tape pulls off plaster from your walls. Oh, and you make an ass out of "u" and "me".

Wow, That suck's. But I bet it would be a awesome commercial for the strength of the masking tape. ;)

While painters tape (blue, green, purple made for different surfaces) is a type of masking tape, it is NOT the same as regular masking tape (yellow, off white). Depending on the surface and if you pull it up very quickly, you can use regular masking tape, but for longer use (30 days max on the special tape) you want to use painters tape. Whichever you use you always want to pull up as soon as possible as the longer you leave it on the more the adhesive dries out causing it to create a stronger hold. It wouldn't kill you to educate yourself.

You've obviously done some painting! There are instructions right on the tape, if people would buy the right stuff & take 2 seconds to read the instructions, they wouldn't have these problems!

You're only supposed to leave that stuff on for 24-48 hours! I learned the hard way! Luckily it was a part of a wall, not a whole house! Read the directions next time & only use painters tape!

You're not supposed to use masking tape, you're supposed to use frog tape ;p but seriously, that sucks

Masking Tape and Painter's Tape are two different things homie! You dumb!