By gudmarjoh - 08/12/2010 23:09 - Iceland

Today, after studying all night for an exam, I ran out to catch the bus. On my way to the bus, my hair got caught in a branch for some minutes. Thinking I'd missed the bus but thankfully didn't, I went on. A few minutes later I remembered that my exam had been postponed for 3 hours today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 165
You deserved it 10 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zp5 4

wait! wait for me! *trips and falls on knees* sssssssss ahhhhhhhh! ssssssss ahhhhhhhh! sssssssss ahhhhhhhh! sssssssss ahhhhhhhh! (from Family Guy)


zp5 4

if he wasn't making a pun, then what would be the point of writing "have a nice trip"? because i'm pretty sure theres nothing about a trip in the FML, theres something about someone tripping, but not A trip.

MrCalves 1

If he was making a pun, then what is the point of him saying "Winter"? It's just an overall unjustifiable comment and his commenting license should be revoked.

Oh boo flipping hoo OP. The FMLs that make it now are so pathetic. Post back later if the bus runs over your grandma, then I might have some sympathy for your whiney little a$$.

zp5 4

the point of him saying "winter" was: he failed.

mintcar 9

Exactly. OP should also be thankful that (s)he didn't miss the exam. That's always been a fear of mine. I'd rather be early than not.